Saturday 11 August 2012

Mental Attributes of a Hurdler

Mental Attributes of a Hurdler

For a hurdler to be successful, they need certain physical attributes to help them.

These include:

- Confidence



- Lack of Fear

- Positive Frame of mind

- Ability to move on

- Ability to Focus


Confidence is one of the main mental attributes required in hurdles. A hurdler needs to have confidence to run a hurdles race and to get over all of the hurdles – without confidence this is not possible at all! 


A hurdler needs motivation to compete in hurdles as it is a hard event. Whether this motivation is their competitors or the desire to do well, motivation is an important mental attribute of being a hurdler.


A hurdler needs to have determination to be successful. It takes a lot of determination when training for hurdles and running in a race. For example, if a hurdler has a bad fall in a race, it takes an extreme amount of determination to get back up and keep racing, even to keep hurdling in the future. It takes a lot of determination to do well.

Lack of Fear

You need a lack of fear for hurdles as is can sometimes be scary jumping over them. You need to be not afraid to fall over and hurt yourself, as it might scare you into not doing hurdles ever again.

Positive frame of Mind

When doing hurdles, you need to maintain a positive frame of mind so you don’t psych yourself out. If you think for a second that you might not be able to get over the hurdles, you probably won’t. That is why it is very important to keep a positive frame of mind.

Ability to move on

In hurdles you must have the ability to move on if you have a really bad fall. If you don’t have this then you may not want to hurdle ever again! :( 

Ability to Focus

A hurdler needs to have a high ability to focus when training and racing. Focus is needed for a hurdler to well in races. A hurdler needs to be able to focus do to well, and not worry about the people that they are racing/competing against.
They need to be able to focus whilst training, so they can make sure that their technique is perfect and so they can listen with open ears to their coach.
The main reason for focus is to not worry about what anyone else is doing, just focus on theirselves and doing well!

All of these mental attributes are important in creating the best possible hurdler.

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